Contact information

You can contact CCP using the contact numbers below or Click HERE to submit an enquiry.

PRESS enquiries ONLY: please email
To access CCP Head Office via public and sustainable transport, you can get any bus into Cheltenham bus station and walk to us in under 10 mins.
CCP Head Office, Reception & Administration:
340 High Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3JF

Supported Accommodation Glos: Bramah House Cheltenham
01242 694532 (DDI)
01242 697437 (LL)
Supported Accommodation Glos: The Arkells Cheltenham
01242 694538 (DDI)
01242 222326 (LL)
Supported Accommodation Glos: Season House Stroud
01242 694528
01453 847443 (LL)
Supported Accommodation Hereford: Pomona Place & Bridge House
0300 365 8500
01432 269960 (LL)
Supported Accommodation Glos: Season House Stroud
01242 694528
01453 847443 (LL)
Community Wellbeing (Cheltenham & Tewkesbury)
0300 365 6463 (NG)
Worcester Homeless Prevention
0300 365 0366 (NG)
01242 694531 (DDI)
Family Advocacy Gloucestershire
01242 694535 (DDI)
Appropriate Adult Glos
0300 365 0306 (NG: includes out-of-hours service)
01242 694529 (DDI: NO OOH service)
Gloucestershire Community-based Support
0300 365 2002 (NG)
01242 694529 (DDI: NO OOH service)
Family Services (Cheltenham)
01242 694535
NG= non-geographic
DDI= direct dial
LL= backup landline
OOH= out-of-hours